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  小兰 译
  Inhabitants of Russia’s southern city of 3)Stavropol are trying to save a forest endangered by a 4)property development by hanging photos of President Vladimir Putin on the trees, a report said recently.
  The local authorities had decided to construct a residential quarter in the zone and had already started cutting the trees, but a group of residents opposed to the scheme 5)reckoned that they would be able to save their forest thanks to the magic of Putin.
  “The mayor of Stavropol says all the time that he supports the president. We thought that he wouldn’t dare touch (the image of) Vladimir Putin,” Olga Gavrish, one of the 6)militants, told the 7)Izvestia daily.

  The woodcutters “cut only the trunks without (the photos of) Vladimir Putin. If there is his portrait on the trunk, they are afraid,” another resident, Inna Bakulina, told the newspaper.
  The residents 8)patrol the forest every evening to make sure that the photos of the president are not pulled off.
  The government of Stavropol was not available for comment at present.

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