Robert Schneider (1961-) is a rising star in the German literary world, a striking newcomer who plays his own role in German literary field through scriptwriting. He is a young man who has won many German dramas Award, known as the “dramatist” successor. In the early 1990s, he won the Abraham Husell al-Awad private creation fund to fund young European writers, arousing the potential of creative novels. The debut album “The Sleeping Brothers” The new heyday of German literature after the young “perfume” of Patrick Gaskin, set off an uproar in the silent German literary world. With a circulation of 700,000 copies, the novel has created a new record in the contemporary German language book. It has been translated into 24 languages and has been adapted into drama and film many times. It has swept the world literary world. Ten different kinds of awards have come one after another. Even the nomination of the 1995 Oscars won the prestigious “Schneider and Sleeping Brothers Phenomenon,” a legend that was written in the glamorous German literary history.