阿姆斯特丹市是荷兰的首都。位于首都附近的阿姆斯特丹港,是仅次于鹿特丹港的荷兰第二大港,也是欧洲重要国际港口之一。 阿姆斯特丹港由沿北海运河的艾莫伊登港、拜提维克港、塞斯泰得港和阿姆斯特丹港组成。船舶通过北海船闸进出北海运河和阿姆斯特丹港,不受潮汐变化影响,船舶进出,十分快捷,大型船舶从船闸到码头为7~10海里,只2.5小时。
Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. The port of Amsterdam, near the capital, is the second largest port in the Netherlands after Rotterdam and one of the major international ports in Europe. The port of Amsterdam consists of the port of Aimo-Eden along the North Sea Canal, the port of Petit Vik, the port of Sesothot and the port of Amsterdam. Ships entering and leaving the North Sea Canal and Port of Amsterdam through the North Sea Locks are not affected by the tidal changes. The ships entering and leaving the country are very fast and the ships are 7-10 nautical miles from the ship lock to the pier only 2.5 hours.