Lille Grand Palais

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  Only 60 min from Paris (25 connections per day), 80 min from London (9 connections per day), 35 min from Brussels (15 connections per day) by train, Lille is the premier strategic European destination. Lille Grand Palais is the only city centre Congress Centre. Create your event at Lille Grand Palais and enjoy the best location at the very heart of the Paris – London– Brussels triangle. The 45,000 square meters space include:
  ?3 auditoriums
  ?4 exhibition halls
  ?28 commission rooms
  ?The Zenith Arena
  With a capacity ranging from 50 to 4,500 people, you can organise events such as: congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, conventions, gal evenings, workshops, product launches, roadshows shareholders meetings, business meetings, fashio shows, international event.
  Lille Grand Palais has also been organising/producin events since 2007. This expertise is also lent to man evening events such as the Ladies After Work event the gynaecology and obstetrics congress, NutrEvent…We also organise trade fairs (both for the genera public and professionals) some examples include Art-Up, Kids Park, the Creative Fair, the services t individuals fair.
  Lille Grand Palais works in partnership with variou local players such as the Regional Congress Burea and the Office of Tourism and Congress Lille.
Made in China-Qatar 2016 boosts bilateral business cooperation  The second edition of Made in China-Qatar will be held from 15-18 November this year in Doha. The exhibition is organized by China Inter
3月8-10日,由锡兰商会主办的斯里兰卡国家投资和商务洽谈峰会在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡隆重举行。峰会旨在帮助相关政府机构、企业等投资机构深入了解斯里兰卡的市场情况和投资机会,并与当地机构建立合作关系。中航国际ASTORIA公寓是本次峰会的华人铂金赞助商。  本次峰会得到斯里兰卡政府的大力支持。出席本次投资峰会的高层领导包括锡兰商会主席Samantha Ranatunga,斯里兰卡特别任务部部长Sara
全球三大农机展之一——意大利国际农业及园林机械展览会(EIMA INTERNATIONAL 2016)将于今年11月9-13日在意大利博洛尼亚举行。  展会创办于1969年,从2006年改为双年展,由意大利农业机械制造商联合会(FederUnacoma Surl)主办,旨在通过该展会展示世界不同地域的农业机械化发展进程,为发达国家、新兴工业国家和发展中国家提供合适的农业技术和方案。经过多年的发展,
Paperworld法兰克福国际纸制品及办公用品世界展览会于1月30日至 2月2日举行。在德国法兰克福市同期举行的三大消费品联展——法兰克福国际圣诞礼品世界展览会(Christmasworld)、法兰克福国际纸制品及办公用品世界展览会(Paperworld)以及法兰克福国际创新产品世界展览会(Creativeworld),伴随着活跃的订单成交量完美收官。今年三大联展成功吸引了来自67个国家和地区的
EIMA International can vaunt extraordinary numbers for the 41st edition which just closed with 235,614 visitors logged in. Also growing was the number of foreign business people arriving to confirm th
To mark its 20th anniversary, Ravensburg agency d-werk developed a special space for its creative works: The agency turned a dilapidated garage in its inner courtyard into an “archive with rough edges
Executives of the company based in the Swedish capital are currently very satisfied. “2015 went pretty well for us. The trade fair market appears to have slowly recovered,”says Patric Sj?berg, Stockho
Genuine innovations and new products inspire buyers  The trio of international consumer-goods fairs –Christmasworld, Paperworld and Creativeworld in Frankfurt am Main – ended with well-filled order bo
本报告最早发起于2008年年底,每年进行两次调查并发布结果。本次调查于2015年12月进行,覆盖全球12个区域和8个重点会展国家,共收到来自全球58个国家的240个UFI会员机构(包括主办方、场馆、会展服务商等)的回复,对全球展览行业的发展进行评估,具有相当的行业代表性。然而,某些地区的平均水平并不一定代表该地区所有国家的具体情况。下一次调查将于今年6月进行。  1 对展览业务成交量的预期  全球
加拿大魁北克会议中心在推动魁北克市旅游业发展,促进当地会展业发展方面发挥极大作用。2006年,中心荣获国际会议中心协会(AIPC)最佳场馆奖。此外,它也是AIPC质量评估金奖得主以及LEED环保大奖得主。每年,来此参会的加拿大国内外嘉宾共20,000多名。  会议中心坐落在魁北克市的中心地段,具备优越的服务品质与富有创新精神的员工,现在已经成为北美地区大型活动的首选场地之一。  该会议中心于199