在古代汉语中,动词可作使动用法、意动用法,还可以作“为(wei)动用法”。由于一般古代汉语教材很少谈到后一种用法,故本文对“为动用法”作些简单介绍。一,为动用法的基本特征。为动用法的基本特征在于,作为动用法的他动词,不仅表示动作行为,而且还指示着动作行为的服务对象和目的。例如: 今亡亦死,举大计亦死,等死,死国可乎?(《史记·陈涉世家》)这句话中,前三个“死”都是一般的自动词,只表示行为,第四个“死”是为动用法的他动词,它不仅表示行为,而且指示着行为的目的。“死国”即
In ancient Chinese, verbs can be used as verbs, gestures, and verbs, and they can also be used as wei. Since the ancient Chinese language teaching materials rarely talk about the latter usage, this article gives some brief introductions to the “usefulness”. First, the basic characteristics of the usage. The basic feature of the usage is that the other verbs used as an idiom not only represent the action, but also the service object and purpose of the action. For example: In this sentence, the first three “deaths” are general automatic words and only indicate behaviors. The fourth “death” is his verb for action. It not only represents the act but also indicates the purpose of the act. “Death State” means