氨吹脱是一种有效的污水脱氮处理技术,其中曝气吹脱法又简单易行。为了探究曝气吹脱法用于牛场沼液污染物去除的最优条件,实验研究了温度、曝气量、初始p H等参数对氨氮去除效果的影响,并探讨了投加Ca(OH)2及曝气吹脱对COD、TP的去除作用。结果显示:温度、曝气量是影响氨氮去除效果的关键因素,30℃、4 000曝气量条件下氨氮去除率最高;由于沼液本身p H会受吹脱影响升高,因此,调节初始p H在8~9.5范围内对氨氮去除效果无显著影响;Ca(OH)_2能去除少量COD及TP,吹脱也能对COD去除有一定影响,投加7.7 g/L Ca(OH)_2吹脱后,沼液COD、TP去除率分别为9.7%、14.8%。最优条件30℃、4 000曝气量下,不加Ca(OH)2吹脱能得到70%以上的的氨氮去除率。一般情况下建议不加Ca(OH)_2进行沼液氨吹脱。
Ammonia stripping is an effective technology for denitrification of wastewater, in which aeration stripping is simple and easy. In order to explore the optimal conditions for the removal of pollutants in the biogas slurry by the aeration and stripping method, the effects of temperature, aeration rate and initial p H on the removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen were studied. The effects of Ca (OH) 2 and aeration off on the COD, TP removal. The results showed that temperature and aeration rate were the key factors affecting the removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen. Under the conditions of 30 ℃ and 4 000 aeration, the ammonia nitrogen removal rate was the highest. Since the pH of biogas slurry itself was affected by the stripping, the initial p H has no significant effect on ammonia removal efficiency in the range of 8 ~ 9.5; Ca (OH) _2 can remove a small amount of COD and TP, and stripping can also affect COD removal by adding 7.7 g / L Ca (OH) 2 After stripping, biogas slurry COD, TP removal rates were 9.7%, 14.8%. Under the optimal conditions of 30 ℃ and 4 000 aeration, ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency above 70% can be obtained without blowing Ca (OH) 2. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that ammonia (Ca (OH)