创新在行动 对话年度创新人物

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春节前,在中国纺织工业协会筹划指导,中国纺织杂志执行,经纬纺织机械股份有限公司的协办下,中国纺织行业年度创新人物隆重推出,评选出来的这十位创新人物是创新精神的杰出代表,也是新时代的创新先锋,关注他们就是关注中国纺织业的创新命运。这次评选活动是迎接纺织业创新时代最强势回应,在已播种的中国纺织业的创新土地上,施肥撒水,促其成长,这是一次史无前例的创新行动。中国纺织行业年度创新人物颁奖典礼的影响之大可能都超出了举办方的预期。协会领导的重视程度、纺织企业的关注热情、媒体的介入之广,远远超出了一次评选活动所应得的关注。这是一次行动,一次紧握时代脉搏的行动。此次评选活动由行业中的十几个专业协会的主要领导人,以及有关的专家组成的评委会,通过推荐、评议并广泛征求意见的方式,经过多轮的这样一个过程,并采用了无记名投票,最后推出2005年度创新人物的十位代表。从活动本身来说,是一次高调的评选,十几个专业协会全部参与了评选活动,评选的范围更是涵盖了几乎所有的规模以上纺织企业,评出的人物也几乎分布在各个阶层, 既有德高望重的科学家,也有纺织一线平凡却不普通的工人,还有众多充满激情智慧的企业家,正是他们,用实际行动诠释着创新的主题。颁奖典礼后由《中国纺织》杂志社总编辑孙淮滨主持的创新对话更始进一步诠释了创新精神和概念,创新人物朴实的话语让我们深深体会到了创新其实就在我们身边。 Before the Spring Festival, under the guidance of the planning guide of China Textile Industry Association, the execution of China Textile Magazine and Jingwei Textile Machinery Co., Ltd., the annual innovators of China’s textile industry were grandly launched. The top ten innovators selected were outstanding representatives of innovation spirit, It is also a pioneer in the new era of innovation, they are concerned about the innovation of China’s textile industry’s fate. This selection event is to meet the strongest response in the textile innovation era. It is an unprecedented innovation in fertilizing and sprinkling water in the sown areas of innovative textile industry in China. The impact of the annual awards ceremony of China’s textile industry’s innovators may well exceed organizers’ expectations. The importance given by the leaders of the association, the enthusiasm of the textile enterprises and the media’s involvement are far beyond the concern of a selection activity. This is an operation that clenches the pulse of the times. The selection of judges by the main leaders of more than a dozen professional associations in the industry, as well as the relevant experts, through such a process of recommending, reviewing and soliciting opinions extensively after many rounds, Vote, and finally launched in 2005 the top ten representatives of innovative people. From the activity itself, it is a high-profile selection, a dozen professional associations are all involved in the selection activities, the scope of the selection is covered by almost all of the above-scale textile enterprises, the characters are also assigned in almost all sectors, both There are highly respected scientists, ordinary textile workers but also not ordinary workers, there are many entrepreneurs full of passion and wisdom, it is them, with practical action interpretation of the theme of innovation. The innovative dialogue chaired by Sun Huaibin, editor-in-chief of “China Textile” magazine after the award ceremony further explained the spirit of innovation and concepts, and the innocent words of innovative characters let us deeply understand that innovation is actually around us.
为做好重要商品批发市场的布局规划,制定商品流通市场规则,国家内贸局日前分类选择了一批全国有较大影响和 In order to make arrangements for the layout of important co