Stability analysis of nonlinear observer with application to chaos synchronization

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bingling1054
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In this paper, we first discuss the stability of linearized error dynamics of the nonlinear ob-server used for time-continuous driving chaos synchronization and give the criteria on it. Then we find by theoretical analysis and numerical experiments that the observer can still synchronize with the origi-nal system under time-discrete driving provided that some conditions are met. Finally we derive the asymptotical stability criterion of the nonlinear observer used for time-discrete driving chaos synchro-nization . Simulations illustrate the validity of the criterion. In this paper, we first discuss the stability of linearized error dynamics of the nonlinear ob-server used for time-continuous driving chaos synchronization and give the criteria on it. Then we find by theoretical analysis and numerical experiments that the observer can still synchronize with the origi-nal system under time-discrete driving provided that some conditions are met. Finally we derive the asymptotical stability criterion of the nonlinear observer used for time-discrete driving chaos synchro-nization. Simulations illustrate the validity of the criterion.
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