本工作试图确定EB病毒血清学对于北美鼻咽癌(NPC)不同组织学病理类型的诊断价值。参加这项工作的有美国十一个单位,从而可以把不同地理区域、不同种族背景以及一定数量的病人作为研究对象。两年中共收集124例病人活体组织,由4名病理学专家组成的专门小组按世界卫生组织制定的标准分类,即鳞状细胞癌(WHO1)、非角质化癌(WHO2)以及未分化癌(WHO3)。WHO3还包括淋巴上皮瘤。每一种癌都有病理图片供参考。对照组包括其他颈部癌瘤和病变以及正常人。检测结果发现,NPC VCA IgG抗体阳性率为100%,对照组为90~93%,几何平均值(GMT)前者为412,后者为121~184。EAIgG抗体阳性率NPC为76%、GMT为77%,对照组在24~31%之间,GMT为36~41%。
This work sought to determine the diagnostic value of EB virus serology for different histological pathological types of North American nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Eleven units in the United States participate in this work, so that different geographical areas, different ethnic backgrounds, and a certain number of patients can be studied. During the two years, a total of 124 patients were collected from living tissues. A panel of four pathologists classified them according to the standards set by the World Health Organization, namely, squamous cell carcinoma (WHO1), non-keratinized carcinoma (WHO2), and undifferentiated carcinoma ( WHO3). WHO3 also includes lymphoepithelial tumors. Each type of cancer has a pathology picture for reference. The control group included other neck cancers and lesions as well as normal people. The test results showed that the positive rate of NPC VCA IgG antibody was 100%, the control group was 90-93%, the geometric mean (GMT) was 412 and the latter was 121-184. The positive rate of EAIgG antibody was 76% for NPC, 77% for GMT, 24% to 31% for control group, and 36% to 41% for GMT.