有一种气势,是BMW X6M勇往直前睥睨天下的霸气,舍我其谁有一种优雅,是vora IPS精准轻盈翩翩起舞的细腻,超凡脱俗晨雾初褪,露水未消。驭一匹神骏,得一怀洒脱;雨后初晴,叶泪犹垂。赏一株娇羞,养一世情操。隐士的生活是我等俗人不敢妄自揣摩的,我没有古人洒脱的心性,亦无源自骨子里的傲气。所以对于这种清晨驭马,雨后赏花的隐居生活是不敢触碰的,但如果这马是宝马,花是蓬花的话就另当别论了。
There is a momentum, is the BMW X6M courage to go all out domineering, who I have an elegant home, is vora IPS precision light dancing elegant, extraordinary refined early morning fog faded, dew did not eliminate. Yu Jun a horse, have a show of carefree; early after the rain, leaves still tears. Enjoy a shy, recuperate. The life of a hermit is such a laity as I am from a layman to try to figure out, I do not have the aura of the ancients, and I also have no arrogance from the bones. Therefore, for such an early morning horse, after the rain, the seclusion of flowers is not touched, but if the horse is a horse, the flower is a flower, then another matter.