目的 通过MEAW技术矫治骨性前牙反 ,研究颌面部硬组织变化,以丰富骨性前牙反 非手术矫治的方法。方法骨性前牙反 患者七名,其中男三人,女四人,年龄最大为18岁,最小为12岁,平均年龄为14.5岁。用多曲方丝弓进行矫正,治疗前后均拍摄头颅定位侧位片,并进行两组矫治前后的X线头影测量分析比较。结果研究发现:上下前牙出现代偿性移动,下后牙段得到远中竖直,上后牙近中移动。下后牙高度得到较好的控制,下前牙升高与上前牙建立正常的覆 覆盖关系,上前牙在较粗的方丝控制下,体现出良好的整体向前移动趋势。ANB角减小,但减小幅度很小,矫治并未改善骨性前牙反 的矢状生长型,严重的骨性Ⅲ类错 尚需进行外科矫正。颌骨的垂直向生长尚未得到充分控制,但 平面变平。结论多曲方丝弓矫治技术通过改善牙齿三维方向的位置,可以有效、快速地矫治骨性前牙反 。“,”Objective To evaluate the treatment effects of MEAW therapy on skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion.Method Seven skeletal class Ⅲ cases were chosen(male 3, female 4, aged 12 - 18 yrs). They were treated byMEAW technique. Results Upper and lower anterior tooth were moved compensately. The lower posterior tooth wereuprighted posteriorly, upper posterior tooth were moved anteriorly. The vertical height of lower molar were controledwell, the lower anterior tooth were extruded to get normal occlusal relationship with upper anterior tooth. The upper an-terior tooth were moved bodily anteriorly. but treatment did not change sagittal and vertical skeletal pattern. ConclusionMild and moderate skeletal class Ⅲ can be treated successfully by MEAW technique.