The classical exchange algebra satisfied by the monodromy matrix of the nonlinear sigma model on a supercoset target with Z2n grading is derived using a first-order Hamiltonian formulation and by adding to the Lax connection terms proportional to constraints.This enables us to show that the conserved charges of the theory are in involution.When n =2,our results coincide with the results given by Magro for the pure spinor description of AdS5 × S5 string theory (when the ghost terms are omitted).Bena,Polchinski and Roiban[1] found an infinite number of non-local classically conserved charges for the Grecn-Schwarz superstring in AdS5 × S5 background.[2] Similar results were obtained for some other strings[3-9] that propagate in AdS space-time,as discussed in Refs.[7 9].Vallilo[10] showed that such charges also exist in the pure-spinor formalism of the superstring in AdS5 × S5.Bianchi and Klǔson[11] gave the current algebra of the pure-spinor superstring.Berkovits[12] proved that the nonlocal charges in the string theory are BRST-invariant and physical.