魔芋为天南星科魔芋属作物,在云南省昭通市栽培历史悠久,是当地农业增效和农民脱贫致富的重要产业。近年来,昭通市各级农技部门积极开展魔芋栽培技术研究,形成了一大批技术成果并用于指导生产,取得了良好效果。现将昭通市花魔芋丰产栽培技术总结介绍如下。1选地整地1.1选地宜选择海拔在800~2 000 m地势平坦的地块或缓坡地种植,忌低洼积水地。要求土层深厚耕作层在30 cm以上,土壤质地疏松肥沃,有机质丰
Amorphophallus Konjac is a konjac crop of Araceae. It has a long history of cultivation in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province. It is an important industry for enhancing local agricultural efficiency and for farmers to get out of poverty. In recent years, Zhaotong agricultural departments at all levels to actively carry out konjac cultivation technology research, formed a large number of technical achievements and used to guide the production, and achieved good results. Now Zhaotong flower Konjac high yield cultivation techniques are summarized below. 1 site preparation 1.1 The site should choose the elevation of 800 ~ 2 000 m flat terrain or gentle slope to plant, avoid low lying water. Requires deep plowing layer of soil above 30 cm, loose and fertile soil texture, organic abundance