若要问在伊拉克战争中哪支美军部队最神秘?多数人肯定会回答:“中情局武装特工、“三角洲”突击队、‘阿尔法’或者‘陆军游骑兵’!”错!最神秘的一支部队是美军第20特遣队。直到现在,该部队的存在和任务仍属美国军事秘密。伊拉克战前战后许多震惊国际社会的事全都是这支部队干的! 6月13日出版的《华盛顿邮报》披露了美军绝密武器核查部队——第20特遣队在伊拉克秘密行动的绝对内幕! 长发、啤酒肚和老家伙拼出美军最绝密的特种部队 这支部队的主要成员有“三角洲”突击队员,当然也有中情局、国防情报局甚至科研机构的老专家。一名知情的美军军官说:“这是一支杂牌精锐部队,猛一看,有人穿军
To ask which U.S. Army is the most mysterious in the war in Iraq, the majority will surely reply: “CIA Armed Forces,” Delta “Commando, 'Alpha' or 'Army Ranger!' Wrong! Most Mysterious Force It is the 20th contingent of U.S. troops. Until now, the military's existence and mission remained a U.S. military secret. Much of what has shocked the international community in Iraq after the war has been done by the force! The Washington Post, June 13, disclosed the absolute US military operations on the part of the U.S. Secret Weapons Verification Unit - the twentieth undercover operation in Iraq Insider! Long hair, beer belly and old man spell out the top secret US special forces The main members of this unit are ”Delta“ commandos, of course, there are CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and even the old experts in scientific research institutions. An informed U.S. military officer said: ”This is a no-name elite force, a glance, some people wear armies