临床有些中药,由于药名相近,功效、主治等又与正品中药不尽相同,因而影响了中药的临床疗效。现将临床调配中易混淆的几种药材对比分析如下。 一、石菖蒲为天南星科多年草本植物石菖蒲的根茎,辛温,归心、肝、脾经,入中焦能宜化湿浊,醒脾开胃增进饮食;入胸膈能疏散湿浊之凝滞,清气上升,心窍开解,耳聪目明。本品以化湿和胃,开窍宁神为功。据实验研究,石菖蒲镇痛作用明显,毒性较小,石菖蒲细瘦多节有“一节九节者良”之说,医生多喜欢书写“九节菖蒲”,而不用石菖蒲之
Some traditional Chinese medicines are clinically similar to traditional Chinese medicine because of their similar drug names, efficacy, and indications, which affects the clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine. The comparative analysis of several herbs that are easily confused in the clinical deployment is as follows. First, Shichangpu is the root of the Araceae herbaceous plant Shichangpu for many years, Xin Wen, return to the heart, liver, spleen, into the coke can be appropriate to wet and turbid, awakening spleen and appetizers to promote diet; into the chest can ease the wet turbidity stagnation, clear As the gas rises, the heart is open and the ears are clear. This product is made of dampness and stomach, and it is a good work for Kaining Ningshen. According to the experimental study, Shichangpu has an obvious analgesic effect and is less toxic. The thin and thin section of Shichangpu is said to have “a section of nine sections is good”, and doctors like to write “Nine knots of Changpu” instead of Shichangpu.