持续出台的调控政策对市场供求关系的平衡和改善,对解决短期问题与坚持长期发展关系的处理始终考虑与把握不够,致使调控的综合性、预见性、针对性和有效性都需要改善。2004年以来近10年的房地产市场调控,尤其是2010 2012年连续三年调控政策的频繁出台,尽管取得了一定的效果,但并未达到“坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨,切实解决城镇居民住房问题,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展”的调控目标,市场在持续调控中也步入了胶着状态。
The continuous introduction of regulatory policies to balance and improve the relationship between supply and demand in the market has not always taken into account and adequately addressed the handling of short-term problems and the persistence of long-term development. As a result, the comprehensiveness, foresight, pertinence and effectiveness of regulation and control need to be improved. Nearly 10 years since 2004, real estate market regulation, especially in 2010, the frequent introduction of regulatory policies for three consecutive years in 2012, although achieved some results, but did not reach “resolutely curb housing prices in some cities rose too fast, and effectively solve the town Residential housing issues, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, ”the regulation and control objectives, the market continued to regulate and also entered a stalemate.