In the context of the Cigéo project, the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra) is studying the behaviour of a deep geological facility for radioactive waste deposit in the Callovo-Oxfordian (COx) claystone. The assessment of durability of this project requires the prediction of irre-versible strain over a large time scale. The mechanical interaction of the host rock and the concrete support of tunnels must be investigated to ensure the long-term sustainability of the structure. The instantaneous and time-dependent behaviour of the claystone-concrete interface is experimentally investigated with direct shear tests and long-duration shear tests of a few months. The mechanical and structural state of the claystone which is affected after interaction with concrete reflects to the response of the claystone-concrete interface, and thus different types of COx claystone-concrete interfaces are tested. The delayed deformation of the interface is found to be linked to the level of the normal loading and the loading history, while a different response of the interface was observed from the short- and long-duration tests, indicating a possible progressive modification of interface under long-duration loadings.