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《向度》《向度》创刊于2014年,是一本人文综合类刊物,双月刊。已出版7期。以人文关怀为核心理念,恪守文学理想,坚持人文立场,尊重所有写作者的劳动果实。以视野的洞开,审美的积淀为终极目的,立足于做当代都市进程中的新人文读本。《野》《野》于2015年在洛阳创刊,创办者为本地诗人张朝晖、高野、余子愚等。拟每年出版一期。作为民间刊物,只限于诗人、学者、评论家之间的交流。2015年1月11日,来自省内各地的诗人们齐聚洛阳,参加由野种诗社承办的《野》诗刊发布会。大家畅所欲言,为《野》诗刊的发展提出诸多良好建议。 “Dimension” “Dimension” was founded in 2014, is a comprehensive anthology publication, bimonthly. Has been published 7 issues. Humane care as the core concept, abide by the ideals of literature, adhere to the humanistic position, respect for all writers labor fruit. With the opening of the field of vision, the aesthetic accumulation as the ultimate goal, based on the contemporary humanities in the process of reading the new text. “Wild” “Wild” in Luoyang in 2015 to start publication, founder of the local poet Zhang Zhaohui, Takano, Yuzi Yu and so on. To be published once a year As a private publication, it is limited to exchanges between poets, scholars and critics. On January 11, 2015, poets from all over the province gathered in Luoyang to attend the conference of wild poetry published by Wild Poetry Society. Everybody speaks freely, put forward many good suggestions for the development of “Wild” Poetry.
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不老的齐秦  第一次听到齐秦的歌声,是那首冷抒情色调的《夜夜夜夜》:“想问天你在哪里,我想问问我自己,一开始我聪明结束我聪明,聪明的几乎的毁掉了我自己;想问天问大地,或者是迷信问问宿命,放弃所有抛下所有,让我飘流在安静的夜夜空里……”  那时,我上高一,同桌用随声听插上小音箱,在班级里放着。彼时,课间十分钟已结束。第二节课的上课铃声已响起,数学课,数学老师邢老师早已站在教室的门口。也许,听到这首歌
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