According to the monthly temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, sunshine hours, wind speed and other data of 11 basic counties (regions) in Weihe County, Weiyuan County, etc from the basic state (general) weather stations in the upper reaches of Weihe River from 1971 to 2008 and the upstream hydrological station of North Weihe River from 1971 to 2008 Annual runoff data were calculated using the Penman-monteith (98th edition) formula for potential evapotranspiration in the region. A dryness index model was established to evaluate the wet and dry conditions in this area. The characteristics of climate, potential evapotranspiration, wetting and drying index and the influence of wet and dry conditions on the surface water resources were analyzed. The results show that since 1971, the temperature in the upper reaches of the Weihe River has risen linearly with 0.3 ° C / 10a, and the precipitation has obvious periodic changes. The potential evapotranspiration has increased linearly with 23 mm / 10a. The overall dry index upward trend, strong changes in the stage. From 1971 to 1984, the linear trend of 0.826 / 10a decreased from 1984 to 1997, with a linear trend of 0.852 / 10a. The area with a higher dry index and higher dryness index in the mainstream of the Weihe River corresponds to the “dry tongue” on the climate in the eastern Hedong region of Gansu. From 1971 to 2008, the runoff decreased with the linear trend of 2567 × 104m3 / 10a. From 1984 to 1997, the runoff decreased with the linear trend of 9023 × 104m3 / 10a. The continuous increase of the drying index has obviously affected the upstream surface water resources, to a certain extent, threatening the safety of downstream water resources.