我們参加全国医药衛生技术革命經驗交流大会的全体代表,坚决拥护中共中央“关于继续展开除四害运动的决定”。决定明确指出:“除四害、講衛生、消灭疾病,是增强人民体质、保护劳动力、提高劳动效率的一项帶根本性的重要措施”吮U瞎づI生产大躍进,我們全体代表保証認真貫徹党的指示,並号召全国医药衛生人員和除四害、講衛生的积極分子,以实际行动响应中央号召,再接再厉,为根除四害、消灭疾病而坚决斗争! 从去冬起开展的以除四害为中心的爱国衛生运
All of our representatives who participated in the national medical and health technology revolution exchange meeting resolutely supported the CPC Central Committee’s “Decision on Continuing the Movement to Remove the Four Peasants.” The decision made it clear that “in addition to” four evils, hygiene and elimination of disease “is a fundamental and important measure to enhance people’s physique, protect the labor force and improve labor efficiency.” The Great Leap Forward The plenary delegates pledged to conscientiously implement the instructions of the party and called on medical and health personnel throughout the country and activists who are responsible for the removal of the four evils and for health. They responded to the call of the Central Government with concrete actions and made persistent efforts to resolutely fight for the eradication of the four pests and the elimination of the disease. From the beginning of the four victims to patriotic Health Movement