以2013年4月20日四川M_w 6.7级芦山地震强震动记录为基础数据,分析美国下一代衰减关系项目NGAWest 1与NGA-West 2两组模型在该地区的适用性。选用断层距200 km以内42个台站的主震记录为样本,拟合地震动峰值加速度和典型周期加速度反应谱的衰减关系,对比芦山地震观测数据与NGA模型预测值的差异。结果表明,2组NGA模型整体上均轻微低估了小于0.2 s的短周期处加速度反应谱值,而在大于1 s的长周期处则存在明显的高估现象;NGA-West 2模型在短周期处离散性比NGA-West 1模型有所改善,长周期处的残差略有降低。
Based on the strong earthquake record of M_w 6.7 Lushan earthquake in Sichuan Province on April 20, 2013, the applicability of NGAWest 1 and NGA-West 2 models of the next generation attenuation relationship project in the United States is analyzed. The main shock records of 42 stations within a fault distance of 200 km are recorded as the decay relation between the peak acceleration of the fitted ground motion and the typical periodic acceleration response spectrum, and the difference between the Lushan earthquake observation data and the predicted NGA model is compared. The results show that the 2 groups of NGA models underestimate the acceleration response spectrum values at short periods of less than 0.2 s as a whole, while over a long period of 1 s there is a significant overestimation phenomenon; NGA-West 2 model in the short period Dispersibility is improved over the NGA-West 1 model with a slight decrease in residuals over long periods.