I saw three plays: “Battle of the South China Sea”, “Huai Shu Zhuang” and “East Prelude,” are good. The overall impression is greatly improved compared with that of the first drama in the whole country. It can be seen that in recent years, drama has greatly improved both ideologically and artistically. “East Prologue” wrote a few people. Special people can not forget is Liu Dazi. This is a small warlord produced in that particular era and is written. His most vivid sentence is: “I really can not vote for the Communist Party!” Of course, he could not “vote”, which put the Kuomintang “to rub it” and exclusion of the no-name army, while the man caught in the middle The essence of the rogue wrote out. There are also in the process of change in the command of the week and in-depth Longtan tiger point “tongue group recalcitrant” Chen director, are carefully created characters. Comrade Hu Ke in the “Huai Shu Zhuang” in the shape of Guo