来自十一个国家的约350个参展者希望能够参加将于十月十一日至十五日间在哥德堡举行的94SCANPACK展览会。 许多参展者都响应了席卷斯堪的纳维亚的环境立法浪潮,他们将借此促进生产使用较少包装材料的产品。 瑞典政府已经被邀请派遣一名代表来解
About 350 exhibitors from eleven countries would like to attend the 94SCANPACK exhibition in Gothenburg from October 11 to 15. Many exhibitors have responded to the wave of environmental legislation sweeping Scandinavia, which they will use to promote the production of products that use less packaging materials. The Swedish government has been invited to send a representative to resolve