
来源 :中华皮肤科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbshwydd
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近年来氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(ALA-PDT)在中国皮肤科应用广泛且发展迅速。为进一步规范、指导、推动ALA-PDT在皮肤科临床上的应用,2020年中华医学会皮肤性病学分会、中国康复医学会皮肤病康复专业委员会联合中国医学装备协会皮肤病与皮肤美容分会光医学治疗装备学组再次组织从事ALA-PDT研究的相关专家在首版《氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法临床应用专家共识》的基础上进行修订、更新,制定了该版指南,供中国皮肤科医师参考。“,”In recent years, aminolevulinic acid-based photodynamic therapy (ALA-PDT) has been widely applied and rapidly developed in the treatment of skin diseases in China. In order to further standardize, guide and promote the clinical application of ALA-PDT in dermatology, Chinese Society of Dermatology, Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Dermatology and Photomedicine Therapeutic Equipment Group of Committee on Skin Disease and Cosmetic Dermatology of China Association of Medical Equipment once again organized relevant experts engaged in ALA-PDT to revise and update the first edition of “clinical application of aminolevulinic acid-based photodynamic therapy: an expert consensus statement”, and establish this edition of guidelines, providing a reference for Chinese dermatologists in clinical practice.
记得2003年刚进单位时,因为所负责维护的电脑感染了病毒,曾被电脑室的主管领导批评为“啥也不懂”,当时真是郁闷极了!后来有一天,领导按F8键怎么也调不出系统启动菜单,幸好我记起了CFan上登的一个窍门:开机时按住Ctrl键也可以调出启动菜单。从那以后,领导总算对我刮目相看了。    读了今年第17期《聆听“苹果”的声音享受海量音乐管理乐趣》一文,我对iTunes播放器产生了兴趣。试用一番,居然又有