后续采访 成功之道——现场短新闻采访经验谈

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现场短新闻是记者深入新闻发生的现场,运用视听等多种手段,捕捉事实变动的一个片断,并以具体形象的描述使之再现的短小简明的新闻报道。深入现场是写好“现场”的前提和基础,也是写作现场短新闻的最低要求。然而,现实生活中,一些新闻价值高的新闻事件发生时,记者不在现场,更不可能成为目击者和参与者,那么,能否采写成现场短新闻?笔者认为,尽管时过境迁,只要记者认真及时做好后续采访,同样可以写出新闻价值高、现场感强、篇幅短小、文字精练的现场短新闻。 Short news on the spot is a short and concise news report that reporters use in a variety of ways, such as audiovisual and other means, to capture the changes in facts and reproduce them in a concrete image. In-depth site is the premise and foundation for writing the “scene”, but also the minimum requirements for writing short news on the spot. However, in real life, when some high-news news events occur, the reporters are not on the scene and are even less likely to be eyewitnesses and participants. So, can we write the news on the spot? In my opinion, as long as journalists seriously and timely Good follow-up interview, the same can be written news high value, strong sense of the scene, short space, short text on-site short news.
本文提出填土路基采用注浆法加固的处理措施,详细介绍了两种注浆法的施工技术。 This paper puts forward the treatment measures for the filling of roadbed using grout
根据工程地质及水文情况,对工程的水上沉排、抛石、坝体防冰措施坝体灌浆工艺进行合理组织。 According to the engineering geology and hydrology, the grouting process