茶黑毒蛾 (DasychirabaibaranaMatsumura)是我国茶树的主要害虫之一。从 80年代开始在安徽、浙江等局部地区猖獗为害 ,经济损失严重 ,对茶叶生产威胁较大。为此 ,我们对该虫进行了多年的研究和生产应用 ,现将其防治技术报道如下 :1 )农业防治。①清
Dasychirabaibarana Matsumura is one of the major pests of Chinese tea tree. Since the 1980s, it has been rampant in some areas such as Anhui and Zhejiang, causing serious economic losses and threatening tea production. To this end, we have carried out years of research and production applications of the pest, now its control technology reported as follows: 1) agricultural control. ① clear