In the past 10 years, due to the rapid increase in the need of microanalysis, the more sensitive and selective fluorescence spectrometry has drawn more and more attention. The literature volume soared, the content from the general introduction of instrumentation and analytical methods to the development of high-precision, high sensitivity, automation, multi-purpose new instrument technology research. The main object of fluorescence analysis is from inorganic samples to organic and biochemical samples, and from component analysis to state analysis of chemical structure, chemical form, microscopic analysis and spatial distribution, and has been applied in various fields. Fluorescence spectra album also published one after another, the United States Philadelphia Sadtler Research Laboratory since 1974 published standard fluorescence spectroscopy and the dedicated fluorescence spectrum (such as drugs). Fluorescence analysis of the scope of application and emission spectrometry, flame photometry, mass spectrometry and other similar, has become an important instrument analysis.