买东西交钱,用电交电费,这本是再平常不过的道理。但有些爱占便宜的用电户却总是费尽心机,采取各种手段窃电,这不仅给供电企业带来巨大的损失,而且造成惊人的电价…… 触目惊心的窃电现象 目前,农村部分地方窃电现象令人触目惊心。据调查,仅陇西县农村一年的窃电量就达几十万千瓦时。有些地方用户窃电十分普遍。某村一次查了10户,抓获
It’s just normal to buy things and pay for them, and pay for electricity by electricity. However, some power users who are in love with their own money are always trying their best to use various means to steal power. This not only causes huge losses to the power supply companies, but also results in astonishing price of electricity... Surprised electricity stealing is currently occurring in parts of rural areas. Theft is alarming. According to the survey, only one year in the rural area of the Luxi County, the amount of electricity that was stolen reached hundreds of thousands of kilowatt hours. In some places, it is common for users to steal electricity. A village checked 10 households once and captured