A Research Proposal:An Empirical Study of the Use of POCIB software in Practice of International Tra

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  1 Introduction
  POCIB (Practice for operational competence in International Business) is a comprehensive practice of international trade skills.POCIB Project focuses on the college students of international economy and trade and related majors and the new personnel of the international trade industry,aiming at improving learners’ comprehensive business skills of foreign trade.It takes the virtual online international trade game as the core way to learn and introduces innovative,efficient,practical and scientific teaching methods and training means to our country for talents training of foreign trade.
  This study is going to testify whether POCIB software used in daily teaching is better than traditional teaching method or not.
  2 Research methodology
  In my opinion,the use of POCIB software should not be limited to use as a kind of competition,and it should be used in daily teaching.In order to identify the effectiveness of the use of POCIB software in the class of practice of international trade and the effectiveness for students’ learning interest and motivation based on the use of POCIB software in the class,an experimental study will be carried out by the researcher.This section mainly focuses on the design of the research.
  2.1 Research Questions
  1.What are the effects of the use of POCIB software on the practice of international trade achievements?
  2.What are the effects of the use of POCIB software on students’ learning motivation and interest?
  2.2 Subjects
  The subjects of this study are 60 students who come from two classes of international economy and trade major.In this study,the two classes are also named Control Class (CC) and Experimental Class (EC).Students in each class are all junior,whose ages are between 21 and 23 years old.In order to make sure the students in each class have the same proficiency of the practice of the knowledge of international economy and trade and learning ability,a pre-test will be carried out at the beginning of the study.In addition,the two classes will be taught by the same teacher.The procedures of the study in the two classes are in the same period of time.That is to say,the only difference between the two classes is the teaching method.The Control Class (CC) is taught by the traditional teaching method (case-based teaching),and the Experimental Class (EC) is taught by the use of POCIB software.
  2.3 Instruments
  The instruments involved in this study are tests,questionnaires,observations and interview.The tests (pre-test and post-test) aim to get information about students’ proficiency of the practice of the knowledge of this subject and learning ability.The questionnaire and the interview are used to getting information about students’ interest and motivation towards international economy and trade based on the use of POCIB software.The classroom observations will be used to compare the two classes’ in-class differences.   2.3.1 Tests
  This experimental study lasts for a month.In order to assure the reliability and validity of the tests,both of the pre-test and the post-test of this study test students’ ability of filling of documents(almost all documents used in the international trade),trade negotiations(inquiry,offer,counter offer,acceptance),price accounting(choose one of the trade terms),handling of emergency events(case study).Students in both CC and EC will be given the tests within 2 hours at the same time.
  2.3.2 Questionnaires
  After the pre-test,if it shows that there is no sharp difference between CC and EC,then a questionnaire will be given to the students in both CC and EC.The questionnaire will be tested its reliability in SPSS.The questionnaire aims to investigate the students’ interest and motivation toward this subject.In order to make a comparative analysis,the same questionnaire is given to the students in CC and EC again at the end of the study.The questionnaire is made up of fifteen questions,which all focuses on students’ interest and motivation towards this subject from different aspects.Students have to make a choice from the five-point Likert Scale.1 Totally Agree,2 Agree,3 Somewhat Agree,4 Disagree,5 Totally Disagree.In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding,the questionnaire will be given to the students in Chinese.Before the questions,there are clear instructions that the answers of the questionnaire will just be used for scientific research with no relation to their academic performance.And students could answer it based on self-condition.
  2.3.3 Observations
  Classroom observation is the most direct way to observe what happens in class,including the behaviors of the teachers,the behaviors and reactions of the students,and what the teaching is like under the use of case-based teaching and POCIB software.The researcher observes the teachers’ classes for at least one unit (five to six class hours) to discover what actually happen in the Control Class and the Experimental Class.
  2.3.4 Interview
  After the experiment,an interview will be conducted to make a supplement of the study based on the use of POCIB software.Nine students in EC are typically selected as the interviewees according to their higher,medium or lower practice of international trade level in the pre-test.The questions of the interview include: 1.What do you think of teaching with POCIB software? 2.Do you like this kind of teaching way or traditional teaching way? 3.What kinds of ability do you think have improved? Etc.In order to make sure that the students can express their ideas about the questions clearly and talk freely,the questions and the interview are employed in Chinese.And the whole interview is carried out under a relaxed and delighted circumstance,which likes a talk between friends.   2.4 Data collection
  Both of the pre-test and the post-test of this study come from related certificate examinations.The scores of the pre-test and the post-test will be collected and entered into SPSS by the researcher.Questionnaires are given to the students in both CC and EC before and after experiment,in order to investigate the students’ interest and motivation toward the course learning.The questionnaire is made up of fifteen questions.The points of the students’ questionnaires are entered into SPSS by the researcher.The observations of the two classes are to compare teachers’ behaviors and students’ class performance.An interview is conducted to make a supplement of the study based on the use of POCIB software.Nine students in EC were selected as the interviewees according to their higher,medium or lower English reading level in the pre-test.It will be recorded during the interview,and then be transferred by the researcher.
  2.5 Data analysis
  The data obtained from the pre-test and the post-test will be analyzed with the help of Microsoft SPSS.The result of the post-test is to make a comparison with the pre-test and testify the achievement of the whole study.The data obtained from the questionnaires are also analyzed by SPSS.The analysis of the data which obtain from the interview is analyzed by the researcher according to the order of the problems.The data obtained from the experimental procedures are all analyzed by Microsoft SPSS.
  3 Significance of the study
  The significance of the proposed study lies in it tries to make a comparison between case-based teaching method and the use of POCIB software in the teaching.Many colleges use the POCIB just for taking competition with other colleges.The design of POCIB software is very close to real life.Using POCIB software to do virtual business with real persons from other schools can improve students’ many abilities,including communication,price accounting,filling of documents and so on,and all these abilities are indispensable in their later work.The study intends to testify the use of POCIB software can be more efficient than case-based teaching method,and it can make students have more interest and motivation on the practice of international trade course.
摘 要:本文主要是通过观察幼儿在角色游戏区中的游戏行为,以“餐厅没有生意怎么办?”为线索,通过创设能引发幼儿讲述的语言情境、丰富和拓展餐厅游戏的情节、提供便于幼儿讲述的凭借物、提炼能突出讲述重点地关键词等策略,来发展幼儿的独白语言、词句的使用、句子组织的结构等说明性讲述核心经验。  关键词:说明性讲述;角色游戏;核心经验  一、故事背景  每一个区域的产生都有一个美好的故事。说起班级“西餐厅”游戏
摘 要:创设历史情境,营造一种文言文教学的历史氛围,吸引学生的注意力,增强课堂效果。本文从“利用教具和服饰,提高学生兴趣力”;“利用语言和动作,吸引学生注意力”;“利用板书和PPT,提升学生感悟力”这三方面进行阐述,力求改善文言文教学枯燥无味的现实情况,为广大一线语文教师提供一种创新性的课堂形式。  关键词:“创设历史情境”;文言文教学;《兰亭集序》  新课改要求,教师在教学过程中应确立学生主体地
摘 要:数的运算是学生要掌握的基本技能之一,对于学生整个数学学习顺畅与否起着至关重要的作用,而在城市化进程的背景下,学生两级分化严重,对新手教师的教学提出了严峻的挑战。  关键词:城市化进程;新手教师;运算能力  《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》专门设定了一个核心概念:运算能力,运算能力主要是指能够根据法则和运算律正确地进行运算的能力。培养运算能力有助于学生理解运算的算理,寻求合理简洁的运
【教学目标】  1.知识和能力目标:通过设疑引导,学会筛选、把握关键信息,理解作者对“故乡”这一文化概念的思考,明确“故乡”的内涵。  2.过程与方法目标:利用微信等多媒体信息技术,采用问题引导、合作探究、师生互動和情感渗透等方式,对文章内涵有一个全方位的解读。  3.情感态度价值观目标:揣摩饱含作者情感富有哲理的语言,体会作者的别样思乡情感。  【教学重、难点】  重点:通过设疑引导,学会筛选、
摘 要:青春期阶段的学生处于成长与发展的过渡时期,在该阶段他们很容易受到外界的干扰,思想价值观念都处于养成时期,是对他们进行德育教育培养的关键阶段。在调查中我们不乏发现,初中阶段的学生责任心总体情况欠佳,学生的“自控”能力较弱,对自我认知不正确,在行为选择方面极易做出错误抉择。所以在初中教育中必须将学生的责任心培养作为德育教育的重点内容,在引导学生认知自身责任的实践中引导学生提高责任意识,以丰富学
摘 要:高中的学习相比初中阶段内容更加复杂,难度也有提升,许多学生在进入高中时往往无法适应。特别是数学学科,高中阶段数学学科的教学内容更加抽象,知识量大,许多学生由于没有掌握正确的学习方法和学习心态导致学习效率低下,成绩下降。对此,本文以高中阶段数学学科的学习为例,探讨了提高高中阶段学习效率的方法,希望幫助同学们更快地掌握方法,提升成绩。  关键词:高中学习;学习方法;高中数学  高中数学的知识量
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