
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcktjbb
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引言近年来,随着我国法学理论研究和司法实践的日渐深入,经济分析法学方法特别是成本计算方法已被更多地应用到司法活动的分析研究中。对于承办法官而言,降低案件的审理成本,就意味着法官个人时间成本和劳动力成本的节约;对于法院而言,案件审理成本的降低意味着审判资源得到更有效率的使用,在成本投入不变的前提下,法官将有可能审理更多的案件。实际上,成本问题是制约法院进一步发展的“瓶颈”。一方面,法院的财务资源和人力资源都是有限的,另一方面,自2000年以来,法院总的民事案件受理数呈轻微下降趋势。一般情形下,案件数量与经济发展是成正比的,而为什么进入法院的案件数量有所下降?一种解释是替代性纠纷解决机制(ADR)的发展,如仲裁、人民调解等,使得一部分案件分流;另一种解释是,法院已经达到其资源利用的极限,无力再承担更多的案件。 In recent years, with the deepening of the research on legal theory and judicial practice in our country, the economic analysis jurisprudence methods, especially the costing methods, have been more applied to the analysis and research of judicial activities. For the contracting judge, reducing the trial costs of the case means that the judge's personal time costs and labor costs savings; for the court, the reduction of trial costs means that the trial resources are more efficiently used in the cost of investment is not Change the premise, the judge will be possible to hear more cases. In fact, the issue of cost is a “bottleneck” restricting the further development of the court. On the one hand, the financial and human resources of the court are limited. On the other hand, since 2000, the total number of court cases accepted for civil cases shows a slight downward trend. In general, the number of cases is directly proportional to the economic development. Why did the number of cases entering the courts drop? One explanation is that the development of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (ADRs), such as arbitration and people's mediation, has resulted in a number of cases The other explanation is that the court has reached its limit of resource utilization and can no longer afford more cases.