二十一世纪的曙光已初见端倪。农业伴随科学技术的进步和人类生活水平的提高,已经日益暴露出它在环境、资源和人类保健等方面的不足。因此在兼顾经济、社会和生态效益方面,相继出现了许多高科技新型农业。 1、无土农业无土栽培技术。根据不同作物的生理需求,加以不同量的营养物,配制成不同配方的营养液。以砂石或锯末粉为载体,达到高产、优
The dawn of the twenty-first century has begun to take shape. With the progress of science and technology and the improvement of human living standards, agriculture has increasingly exposed its deficiencies in environment, resources and human health. Therefore, in the aspect of economic, social and ecological benefits, many high-tech new types of agriculture have emerged one after another. 1, soilless farming soilless cultivation techniques. According to the physiological needs of different crops, to different amounts of nutrients, formulated into different formulations of nutrient solution. Gravel or sawdust powder as a carrier, to high yield, excellent