Western Dietary Culture Effects on China

来源 :科技信息(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sgrwflh
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As the China-western cultural exchanges of in recent years strengthen day by day,the diet used to be simple in our daily life is becoming more and more abundant,and presents the trend of the pluralism.This paper studies on Chinese dietary cultural and foreign dietary cultural,letting readers have a clear understanding of the effects of western dietary culture on Chinese people’s life and Chinese economy.How to lead people to establish a correct consumption view is an important problem,throwing away its dross,picking up quintessence,and using western culture to improve people’s life and China’s economic development. As the China-western cultural exchanges of in recent years strengthen day by day, the diet used to be simple in our daily life is becoming more and more abundant, and presents the trend of the pluralism.This paper studies on Chinese dietary cultural and foreign dietary cultural, letting readers have a clear understanding of the effects of western dietary culture on Chinese people’s life and Chinese economy. How to lead people to establish a correct consumption view is an important problem, throwing away its dross, picking up quintessence, and using western culture to improve people’s life and China’s economic development.
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