通过对各项试验小麦黑胚率的调查分析可知 ,土壤对小麦黑点病的发生有较大的影响 ,以淤土黑胚率最高 ,两合土、砂姜黑土较低。在施用一定的P、K条件下 ,拔节期追施氮肥小麦黑胚率降低 ,且随总施氮量的增加而降低 ;孕穗期及其以后追肥小麦黑胚率增加 ,且随施氮次数和施氮量的增加而提高 ;尤其扬花期叶面喷施氮肥会较大幅度地提高黑胚率。扬花期喷施杀菌剂 ,以三唑酮效果较好而且稳定。小麦黑胚率随播期的推迟而提高 ,呈显著正相关 ;播量增加黑胚率提高 ,但相关不显著。
Through the investigation and analysis of the black embryo rate of wheat in each experiment, we can see that the soil has a greater impact on the occurrence of wheat black spot disease. Under the conditions of applying P and K, the black embryo rate of nitrogen topdressing wheat decreased at jointing stage and decreased with the increase of total nitrogen application rate. The black embryo rate of topdressing wheat increased at booting stage and later, Nitrogen application rate increased; especially nitrogen fertilizer at the flowering stage foliar fertilizer will greatly increase the black embryo rate. Flowering spray fungicides to triadimefon better and stable. There was a significant positive correlation between the black embryo rate and the sowing date, but the correlation was not significant.