提起元帅,人们都知道它是最高统帅的头衔,但元帅的来历及其在世界上的发展情况,多数青年朋友就未必知道了,这里作一简要介绍。 元帅作为最高军衔称号,最早出现在16世纪的法国军队。1559年至1560年,法兰西斯二世首次授予4名高级将领以元帅军衔称号,至19世纪拿破仑一世,法国先后有44人被授予这一衔称。16世纪以后,元帅军衔相继为许多国家所采用,计有:17世纪的奥地利、俄国,18世纪的英国,19世纪的西班牙、土耳其、意大利、日本,20世纪的印度、波兰、芬兰、罗马尼亚、南斯拉夫、保加利亚、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、
Mention Marshal, people know it is the title of supreme commander, but Marshal’s origins and its development in the world, most young friends may not know, here to make a brief introduction. Marshal as the title of the highest rank, first appeared in the 16th century French army. From 1559 to 1560, Francis II first awarded four senior generals the title of marshal rank to Napoleon I in the 19th century. In France, 44 people were awarded the title. In the 16th century, the ranks of the marshals have been adopted by many countries in succession. They are: 17th century Austria, Russia, 18th century Britain, 19th century Spain, Turkey, Italy, Japan, 20th century India, Poland, Finland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,