
来源 :博览群书 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gamearner
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本书由中央文献研究室与中央档案馆等单位的有关研究人员运用大量过去未曾披露过的档案材料和当事人的回忆史料,记述了若干党史重大事件和重要人物的活动。主要文章有:《毛泽东与1957年整风反右》、《周恩来与二月抗争》、《“刘少奇专案组”始末》、《邓小平历史上的几度沉浮》、《风雨十年——朱德在“文革”中》、《张国投靠国民党真相》、《九届二中全会上关于设立国家主席问题的一场风波》等。(该书由人民出版社出版,定价:15.00元) This book by the Central Literature Research Office and the Central Archives and other units of the relevant researchers using a large number of undocumented archives and the historical data of the parties, the history of a number of major events and important people’s activities. The main articles are: “Mao Zedong and the rectification of the anti-1957,” “Zhou Enlai and February protest”, “” Liu Shao-chi task force “throughout” several times in the history of Deng Xiaoping ups and downs, “Ten Years of Storm - Zhu De During the ”Cultural Revolution“, ”Zhang’s reliance on the truth of the Kuomintang“ and ”the turmoil at the Second Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Chinese People’s Congress on the establishment of the chairman of the state". (The book published by the People’s Publishing House, Pricing: 15.00 yuan)