本文汇集了新近醇胺溶液吸收硫化氢和二氧化碳的研究进展,并从工程计算角度,推荐了符合化学吸收理论的单一气体吸收速率计算方法,并提出了物性常数、反应速率常数和 H_2S 吸收的平衡常数的合适选用途径。本文分吸收硫化氢和吸收二氧化碳二部份,分别阐明了吸收所属类型和吸收速率计算公式,对于醇胺溶液吸收二氧化碳,还描述了较为可信的吸收机理。为了便于工程技术人员易于掌握,还备有吸收速率计算举例。
In this paper, we summarize recent progress in the absorption of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide by alkanolamine solutions. From the viewpoint of engineering calculation, we propose a method to calculate the single gas absorption rate in line with the chemical absorption theory and propose the balance of physical constants, reaction rate constants and H 2 S absorption The appropriate choice of constant way. In this paper, the absorption of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide absorption of two parts, respectively, to clarify the absorption type and absorption rate of the formula, for the alcohol amine solution to absorb carbon dioxide, but also describes the more credible absorption mechanism. In order to facilitate engineering and technical personnel easy to grasp, but also with the absorption rate calculation example.