L6月的北京骄阳晒得人异常烦躁。而陈小春的出现,更使得原本非常宁静的北京什刹海温度骤升。刚放学的学生,附近的居民、商贩,把现场围得水泄不通,陈小春一露面,就引得现场一片骚动。 稍晚些时候,我跑上前给他先拍两张照片。站在一边的另外一个记者问我:“能给我和陈小春拍张合影吗?”我很大方地说”可以”。陈小春却一脸的不乐意,对那位记者朋友说:“你怎么不问问我‘可以不可以’?”我俩这才意识到陈小春的态度,连忙向他“申请”,他也痛痛快快地答应了,还有些忿忿不平地说:“对了,跟她说没有用,跟我说了才算数。”
L6 month’s berthing pattern was extremely flat. The emergence of Chen Xiaochun, but also makes the already very quiet Beijing Shichahai temperature surge. Just after school students, nearby residents, traders, the scene packed, Jordan Chan appearance, it attracted a scene of commotion. Later on, I ran to give him two pictures first. Another reporter standing aside asked me: “Can I take a photo with Chen Xiaochun?” I said generously “okay.” Chen Xiao-chun, who was unhappy with the look, said to a reporter friend: “Why do not you ask me if I can not?” As we realized that Chen Xiaochun’s attitude quickly hired him, he was also very happy Promised to agree, but also some indignantly said: “Yes, told her useless, told me to count it.”