
来源 :中国法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoqh163
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宪法实施是全面依法治国的重要抓手。传统研究聚焦普适性宪法实施机制的构建,却面临违宪审查、宪法的司法适用等与现行法制框架契合度不足的困局。当前,除继续致力于统一实施机制的探讨,还应关注具体宪法制度的类型化实施,即通过整合传统的“一揽子”实施制度的基础性价值和“化整为零”单项实施进路的实践优势,促成宪法实施从“单核模式”向“双核模式”的转变。民族区域自治法制作为我国宪法制度的重要组成部分,如何使其摆脱长久以来的“泛政治化”色彩,真正回归宪法文本的规范化实施并全面回应法制发展的时代需求,将在双核模式的实现过程中扮演重要的示范性角色。 The implementation of the constitution is an important starting point for the rule of law in all its aspects. Traditional research focuses on the construction of universal constitutional implementation mechanism, but it faces the dilemma of unconformity review, the judicial application of the constitution and other existing legal framework. At present, in addition to continuing to explore the mechanism of unified implementation, we should also pay attention to the type-specific implementation of the specific constitutional system, that is, implementing the basic value of the system through the integration of the traditional “package ” and The practical advantages of the approach have led to the transformation of the constitutional implementation from “single-core mode ” to “dual-core mode ”. As an important part of China’s constitutional system, how to get rid of the long-standing “pan-politicization ”, and truly return to the standardized implementation of the constitutional text and fully respond to the needs of the development of the legal system, The process of implementation plays an important exemplary role.
那日和朋友一块去庐山游玩,庐山有一景点名曰三迭泉。那是庐山胜景之一。当地人有言:不到三迭泉,枉为庐山客,可见是极有看头了。  几个人结伴由导游领着从五老峰下来,那导游先生坐在一凉亭处便不肯走了。说:去三迭泉来回14华里,只有一条山道可走。想看三迭泉,要再登四千级台阶。然后挥挥手:你们去吧。  我当时就傻眼了,四千级台阶,刚才爬一趟五老峰力气已快消耗尽了,再爬四千级台阶?  我仰天长叹,脸上显出无力