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每当期末临近,学校就要全面复习功课。那么,家长怎样帮助孩子复习呢?一、要有计划。诚然,老师对学生的复习是有一定的安排的,但那是针对学生在校的时间而设计的,虽然也兼顾到了课外,但不可能完全适合每一个学生的具体情况。这就要求家长也要帮助孩子制订出有自自特点的复习计划:每天复习多少?什么时间复习?复习什么?多长时间内复习完全部功课?等等。当然,计划的制订仍要以孩子为主,家长的责任是督促制订和审查计划是否切实可行,而不是越俎代庖。再者,考虑到青少年随意性大,注意力容易分散的特点,家长要特别注意检查孩子执行计划的情况。这也有利于孩子养成按计划办事的好习惯。二、要创造环境。在孩子复习功课时,家长务必给孩子创造出一个安静的环境。那种自己看电视、听广播,甚至高谈阔论、划拳猜枚,却要孩子专心学习的做法,显然是不恰当的。再说,家长善于克制自己,为孩子着想,无疑对孩子学会尊重别人起到熏陶潜然 At the end of each period, schools should review their homework in an all-round way. So, parents how to help children review it? First, there must be plans. Admittedly, the teacher has some arrangements for the review of students, but it is designed for students’ time in school. Although taking into account extracurricular activities, it is impossible for them to fully suit the specific conditions of each student. This requires that parents also help their children develop a review plan with their own characteristics: how many reviews each day, what time to review, what to review and how long to review the full homework and so on. Of course, the formulation of the scheme should still be child-centered. The responsibility of parents should be to urge the formulation and review of the scheme to be viable rather than over-represented. Moreover, taking into account the adolescent randomness, easy to disperse the characteristics of attention, parents should pay special attention to check the child’s implementation plan. It is also good for children to develop good habits according to plan. Second, we must create the environment. Parents must give their children a quiet environment when they review their homework. The kind of watching TV, listening to the radio, or even rhetoric, paddling guessing, but to concentrate on learning the child’s practice is clearly inappropriate. Besides, parents are good at restraint, for the sake of their children, no doubt that children learn to respect others play a latent role
父母和孩子生活在一起,对孩子的安危冷暖十分操心,却难得到孩子的心灵世界去站一站、坐一坐。特别是那些年龄幼小的孩子,他们有着一个怎样的世界? 4岁半的珂珂在幼儿园里全
低血糖昏迷是临床急症 ,因老年人机能下降 ,降糖药物易在体内蓄积 ,故在老年糖尿病患者中多见 ,且因症状不典型 ,易被误诊或不必要的过多检查 ,延误治疗将造成大脑不可逆损害
问 :我患三叉神经痛 ,痛苦不堪 ,以前服的药只能稍微止痛 ,不能断根。请介绍良方帮我早日解脱。湘阴县王高武答 :临床上 ,通常将三叉神经痛分为原发性与继发性两种。继发性三