Using the micro-embryo transfer technology, the anther transferred to the differentiation medium together with the micro-embryos two weeks after the inoculation can increase the rate of differentiation into the seedlings by 10 to 12 times and relieve the trouble of embryoid body transfer. Using 50kg / L colchicine solution for 1 ~ 2mm embryoid body for 6 ~ 72 hours, can be increased within a certain range of fertile plant rate, which deal with the best 24 hours, without reducing the rate of differentiation into seedling premise , The fertile plant rate increased from 32.3% of the control to 71.4%. The early embryo transfer of micro-embryos combined with early chromosome doubling, the day before the micro-embryo transfer to the original medium 1ml50mg / L colchicine solution, while maintaining the same embryogenic rate and differentiation rate, the fertile plant rate Increased from 39.4% to 58.3%, and the rate of selfed selfing increased from 17.9% to 37.4%.