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人物背景:李树久,1918年11月29日生于辽宁省绥中县广玉庄村一户农家。17岁时考入奉天第一监狱,在监狱医务科当勤务员。由于有机会接触到当时关押在那里的共产党人杨一辰、张适、孙已泰、杨坚白、刘锡纯等人,并受到他们的教育和影响,他逐渐从同情转而佩服和崇敬共产党人,暗中先? Background: Li Shujiu was born on November 29, 1918 in a farmhouse in Guangyuzhuang Village, Suizhong County, Liaoning Province. At the age of 17, he was admitted to Mukden No.1 Prison and worked as a servant in the prison medical department. With the opportunity to reach out to Communists Yang Yichen, Zhang Shi, Sun Shitai, Yang Jiantai, Liu Xichun and others who were detained there, and influenced by their education and influence, he gradually admired and respected the Communists from the sympathy, secretly ?
Icaria Fossae地区位于火星Tharsis火山高原的南部。通过对高分辨率的THEMIS图像分析,在该区新识别出了20多个小火山,它们的直径为45~100km,高度为800~3000m。通过对这些火山建造
The purpose of designing the assessment is to drive curriculum development and learning,and to promote students’inference making ability when reading at the co