Model–proxy comparison for overshoot phenomenon of Atlantic thermohaline circulation at Bφlling–Alle

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengzk
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The overshoot phenomenon of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation(THC) is a transient climate response to meltwater forcing and could induce intense climate change by increasing the magnitudes of Atlantic THC changes at the end of meltwater discharges. This phenomenon was formally presented with the successfully simulated Bφlling–Allerφd(BA) event in the first transient simulation of the last deglaciation with fully coupled model NCAR-CCSM3(TraCE-21K). Currently, not all proxy records of Atlantic THC support the occurrence of the THC overshoot at BA. Commonly used THC proxy from Bermuda Rise(GGC5) does not exhibit THC overshoot at BA but other proxies such as TTR-451 at Eirik Drift do. How to interpret this regional discrepancy of proxy records is a key question for the validation of the Atlantic THC overshoot at BA. Here, we show that the vigor of deep circulation varies regionally during the Atlantic THC overshoot at BA in TraCE-21 K simulation, and this regional discrepancy in the simulation is consistent with that in the marine sediment records in North Atlantic. The consistent model–proxy evidence supports the occurrence of Atlantic THC overshoot at BA. The overshoot phenomenon of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) is a transient climate response to meltwater forcing and could induce intense climate change by increasing the magnitudes of Atlantic THC changes at the end of meltwater discharges. This phenomenon was formally presented with the successfully simulatedphiφlling At this first transient simulation of the last deglaciation with fully coupled model NCAR-CCSM3 (TraCE-21K). Currently, not all proxy records of Atlantic THC support the occurrence of the THC overshoot at BA. Commonly used THC proxy from Bermuda Rise (GGC5) does not exhibit THC overshoot at BA but other proxies such as TTR-451 at Eirik Drift do. How to interpret this regional discrepancy of proxy records is a key question for the validation of the Atlantic THC overshoot at BA Here, we show that the vigor of deep circulation regionally during the Atlantic THC overshoot at BA in TraCE-21 K simulation, and this regional discrepancy in t The simulation is consistent with that in the marine sediment records in North Atlantic. The consistent model-proxy evidence supports the occurrence of Atlantic THC overshoot at BA.
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