只有现在我才清楚地理解我对马克思所做的处理。而且我还是不会涉及我所写之文的客观性,也不会涉及联系一个或多个客观对象的方式;但是我会涉及我联系一个客体作为“客观选择”(objectal 客体的)的方式,换句话说,就是作为一个内部的、无意识的客体。目前我仅仅涉及谈论这一“内部的”(objectal 客体的)关系。这就是我现在,或更为准确地说,自我开始写作此书以来理解事物的方式。我是怎样同时如此精细而又重复地与童年环绕我的世界联系的呢?而且,既然我一直生活于母亲的愿望之中,就像她所做的,不是通过使用我的身体和双手,而是通过使用我的眼睛,与已经存在的事物相联系和工作,一旦我开始意识到这一
Only now I understand clearly what I am doing with Marx. And I still will not talk about the objectivity of the essay I write or the way I relate to one or more of my objec- tive objects; but I will relate to the connection of an object to me as an “objectal object.” The way, in other words, is as an internal, unconscious object. For the moment I am only talking about talking about this “internal” (objectal) relationship. This is how I now, or more accurately, understand things since I started writing this book. How am I, at the same time, so elaborate and repetitively connected with childhood around my world? Moreover, since I have lived in the mothers’ wishes, as she did, not through the use of my body and my hands, It is through the use of my eyes that I am connected and working with what is already present, and once I begin to realize this