(江西師范大学外国语学院,江西 南昌 330000)
【Abstract】:This paper elaborates an important principle in second language teaching from the perspective of definition and theoretical foundation--meaningful learning. Meaningful learning is different from traditional rote learning. Then the author illustrate how to use the principle in classroom for teachers.
【Key words】:teaching principles; meaningful learning
1. Introduction
In Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy(Brown,2001), he talks about twelve overarching principles of second language learning on which our teaching can be based. After taking a broad, sweeping look at the principles, he groups these principles into three parts, that is, cognitive, affective, and linguistic principles(Li Shimin,2013,02:137-139).
It is necessary to invite the cognitive principle to improve our language teaching method and make the learning process more effectively(Li Jia,2010,10:10-11). Among these principles, the author attaches great importance to one principle--meaningful learning.
2. Meaningful learning
2.1 The Definition of Meaningful Learning
Meaningful learning is opposite to rote learning. And cognitive theories of learning which are closely related to the Principle of Automaticity convincingly argue the strength of meaningful learning which “subsumes” new information into existing structures and memory systems and whose results make stronger retention. Rote learning—taking in isolated bits and pieces of information that are not connected with one’s existing cognitive structures—has little chance of creating long-term retention. Therefore, the principle of meaningful learning is quite simply stated:
Meaningful learning will lead toward better long-term retention than rote learning (Brown, 2013:18).
2.2 The Theoretical Basis of Meaningful Learning Principle
Meaningful learning is related to cognitive theories of learning. The famous American cognitive psychologist David Ausubel conducted a series of experiments and drew a conclusion that students’ learning style can be divided into three types: reception learning, discovery learning and meaningful learning. They are interconnected but different from each other.
Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory is concerned with how students learn a large amount of meaningful material from verbal or textual presentations in school setting. Ausubel proposed that learning is based upon the kinds of super-ordinate, representational, and combinatorial process that occur during the reception of information.(Ausubel ,1962) The essence of meaningful learning theory is assimilation in which new information is related to relevant ideas in the existing cognitive structure on a non-verbatim basis. The theory strongly emphasizes the function of the existing cognitive structure in study. The core of the theory is that whether students can acquire new knowledge by linking related ideas in the existing cognitive structure or not. During the process of meaningful learning, the new material can be assimilated with existing ideas in students’ cognitive structure.
2.4 Meaningful Learning Principle in Classroom
As for senior high school students, to memorize a great deal of knowledge for college entrance examination is their main task. They are full of strong curiosity about learning. However, forgetfulness is a serious problem in urgent need for foreign language teachers to settle.
In a student-centered classroom, the teacher is a guider of students’ learning. Therefore, as a foreign language teacher, it is significant to pay attention to the mental and physical development of students and to activate their desire of learning.
Teachers’ primary task is to strengthen the bond between new knowledge the students are going to learn and the old knowledge that the students have already borne in mind.
In practical teaching, the teacher can present new knowledge to students by using meaningful learning principle in classroom lead-in part. Lead-in part is a bridge between the old and new knowledge. And when conducting the lead-in part, teachers need to be careful about the integration of knowledge system. Lead-in is a feasible way in cultivating students’ affective attitude and humanity spirit(Yao Ruixue, 2015: 8).
For example, to make students recognize past perfect tense is the teaching objectives of this lesson. According to meaningful learning principle, the initial thing the teacher needs to do is to know about the students’ present knowledge level. Whether they have learned relevant notions such as simple past tense and the present perfect tense or not plays an important role in planning teaching process. If simple past tense and present perfect tense have already existed in students’ knowledge structure, there is a bonding point for students to connect the past perfect tense with what they have already known,which is beneficial to the students’ understanding.
3. Conclusion
In a word, foreign language teachers should try their best to reduce rote learning and make full use of meaningful learning in their teaching. Stimulating students’ interests in learning could be useful in teaching. Meaningful learning has strong effect on foreign language teaching classroom. However,it doesn’t mean that the other principles are not important. As long as teachers use these principles appropriately and flexibly , students could benefit a lot from it.
[1] Brown. H.D. Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy(Tenth edition)[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2013.
[2] David P,Ausubel.Theory of Meaningful Verbal Learning and Retention[J].The Journal of General Psychology,1962(4).
[3]李佳. Teaching Guided By the Cognitive Principle[J].海外英語,2010,10:10-11.
[4]李世民. 英语教学的原则:有意义学习、策略性投入及充满自信(英文)[J]. 语文学刊(外语教育教学),2013,02:137-139.
[5]姚瑞雪. 基于有意义学习理论的高中英语课堂导入的实证研究[D].辽宁师范大学,2015.
【Abstract】:This paper elaborates an important principle in second language teaching from the perspective of definition and theoretical foundation--meaningful learning. Meaningful learning is different from traditional rote learning. Then the author illustrate how to use the principle in classroom for teachers.
【Key words】:teaching principles; meaningful learning
1. Introduction
In Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy(Brown,2001), he talks about twelve overarching principles of second language learning on which our teaching can be based. After taking a broad, sweeping look at the principles, he groups these principles into three parts, that is, cognitive, affective, and linguistic principles(Li Shimin,2013,02:137-139).
It is necessary to invite the cognitive principle to improve our language teaching method and make the learning process more effectively(Li Jia,2010,10:10-11). Among these principles, the author attaches great importance to one principle--meaningful learning.
2. Meaningful learning
2.1 The Definition of Meaningful Learning
Meaningful learning is opposite to rote learning. And cognitive theories of learning which are closely related to the Principle of Automaticity convincingly argue the strength of meaningful learning which “subsumes” new information into existing structures and memory systems and whose results make stronger retention. Rote learning—taking in isolated bits and pieces of information that are not connected with one’s existing cognitive structures—has little chance of creating long-term retention. Therefore, the principle of meaningful learning is quite simply stated:
Meaningful learning will lead toward better long-term retention than rote learning (Brown, 2013:18).
2.2 The Theoretical Basis of Meaningful Learning Principle
Meaningful learning is related to cognitive theories of learning. The famous American cognitive psychologist David Ausubel conducted a series of experiments and drew a conclusion that students’ learning style can be divided into three types: reception learning, discovery learning and meaningful learning. They are interconnected but different from each other.
Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory is concerned with how students learn a large amount of meaningful material from verbal or textual presentations in school setting. Ausubel proposed that learning is based upon the kinds of super-ordinate, representational, and combinatorial process that occur during the reception of information.(Ausubel ,1962) The essence of meaningful learning theory is assimilation in which new information is related to relevant ideas in the existing cognitive structure on a non-verbatim basis. The theory strongly emphasizes the function of the existing cognitive structure in study. The core of the theory is that whether students can acquire new knowledge by linking related ideas in the existing cognitive structure or not. During the process of meaningful learning, the new material can be assimilated with existing ideas in students’ cognitive structure.
2.4 Meaningful Learning Principle in Classroom
As for senior high school students, to memorize a great deal of knowledge for college entrance examination is their main task. They are full of strong curiosity about learning. However, forgetfulness is a serious problem in urgent need for foreign language teachers to settle.
In a student-centered classroom, the teacher is a guider of students’ learning. Therefore, as a foreign language teacher, it is significant to pay attention to the mental and physical development of students and to activate their desire of learning.
Teachers’ primary task is to strengthen the bond between new knowledge the students are going to learn and the old knowledge that the students have already borne in mind.
In practical teaching, the teacher can present new knowledge to students by using meaningful learning principle in classroom lead-in part. Lead-in part is a bridge between the old and new knowledge. And when conducting the lead-in part, teachers need to be careful about the integration of knowledge system. Lead-in is a feasible way in cultivating students’ affective attitude and humanity spirit(Yao Ruixue, 2015: 8).
For example, to make students recognize past perfect tense is the teaching objectives of this lesson. According to meaningful learning principle, the initial thing the teacher needs to do is to know about the students’ present knowledge level. Whether they have learned relevant notions such as simple past tense and the present perfect tense or not plays an important role in planning teaching process. If simple past tense and present perfect tense have already existed in students’ knowledge structure, there is a bonding point for students to connect the past perfect tense with what they have already known,which is beneficial to the students’ understanding.
3. Conclusion
In a word, foreign language teachers should try their best to reduce rote learning and make full use of meaningful learning in their teaching. Stimulating students’ interests in learning could be useful in teaching. Meaningful learning has strong effect on foreign language teaching classroom. However,it doesn’t mean that the other principles are not important. As long as teachers use these principles appropriately and flexibly , students could benefit a lot from it.
[1] Brown. H.D. Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy(Tenth edition)[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2013.
[2] David P,Ausubel.Theory of Meaningful Verbal Learning and Retention[J].The Journal of General Psychology,1962(4).
[3]李佳. Teaching Guided By the Cognitive Principle[J].海外英語,2010,10:10-11.
[4]李世民. 英语教学的原则:有意义学习、策略性投入及充满自信(英文)[J]. 语文学刊(外语教育教学),2013,02:137-139.
[5]姚瑞雪. 基于有意义学习理论的高中英语课堂导入的实证研究[D].辽宁师范大学,2015.