看22集电视剧《吕梁英雄传》,你会感到剧中没有宏大的战争场面,没有众人皆知的抗日领袖, 有的只是带着一股子土腥味儿的武工队和民兵。这土腥味儿源自晋西的吕梁地区,一群铁血男儿裹着一身黄土在抗日战争艰苦岁月里,与侵华日军、铁杆汉奸、反动地主的斗智斗勇中铸就了百折不挠的中华民族之魂。在纪念抗日战争胜利60周年的影视作品中,《吕梁英雄传》当属一部好看、耐看,令人刮目相看的力作。
Look at the 22 episode TV series “Heroes of Luliang”, you will find that there is no grand war scene in the play. There is no well-known anti-Japanese leader. Some of them only carry a piece of soil with the smell of arms and militia. This stench originates from the Luliang area in western Shanxi Province. A group of Jagged men wrapped in a loess formed the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation during the arduous years of the Anti-Japanese War and the wits of Japanese aggressors, hardcore traitors and reactionary landlords . In the film and television works commemorating the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, “Legend of Lv Liang” is undoubtedly a good-looking, tolerant and eye-catching masterpiece.