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60年代以来,韩国依照市场经济体制的基本原理,在政府强有力的引导与控制下,经过30余年的快速发展与调整,从一个落后的农业国跃变为新兴的市场经济工业国,创造了举世瞩目的“韩国奇迹”。韩国经济体制的基本特点与成功经验,对于其他渴望获得经济起飞的发展中国家来说,无疑具有借鉴意义。经济发展道路的确立二战结束前的36年中,整个朝鲜半岛都是日本的殖民地,处于日本政府的独裁控制之下。当时的朝鲜,虽具有一定的工农业基础,但从总体上看经济基础极端薄弱,是典型的落后农业国。二战结束后,由于日本管理和技术人员的撤离、以及朝鲜战争 Since the 1960s, according to the basic principles of a market economy, under the guidance and control of the government under its guidance, South Korea has made rapid changes from 30 years of rapid development and adjustment from a backward agricultural country to a newly emerging market economy industrialized country, Interesting “South Korea miracle.” The basic characteristics and successful experience of South Korea’s economic system undoubtedly serve as a reference for other developing countries that are eager to obtain economic take-off. The establishment of the road to economic development 36 years before the end of World War II, the entire Korean peninsula is a Japanese colony, under the dictatorship of the Japanese government. Although North Korea at the time possessed a certain industrial and agricultural foundation, the overall economic base was extremely weak and it was a typical backward agricultural country. After World War II, due to the withdrawal of Japanese management and technical personnel, and the Korean War
<正> 什么是NEPE推进剂NEPE是硝酸酯增塑聚醚的英文缩写,全称是Nitrate Ester Plasti cized Polyether。NEPE推进剂是美国为满足MX洲际导弹的需要,赫克力斯公司于70年代末研
在物理教学中,应用课堂提问指导学生预习,应用课堂提问引入新课,在讲解中运用提问,课堂提问在复习中的应用。 In physics teaching, the application of classroom question