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1994年,从舟山武警支队转业到水康市烈桥乡镇武装部工作的董海斌,凭着对武装工作岗位的热爱和追求,迅速完成了角色转换,胜任自己的本职。在这几年乡镇工作中,董海斌经历了人生的两次考验。1995年,在市组织新任专武干部集训前夕,他的父亲在乡安装有线电视线路时,不幸触电 In 1994, Dong Haibin, who moved from Zhoushan Armed Police Detachment to the armed forces department of Lieqiao in Shui Kang City, quickly completed his role conversion with his love and pursuit of armed jobs. In recent years, township work, Dong Haibin experienced two tests of life. In 1995, on the eve of the city organizing the training of the newly appointed martial arts cadres, his father accidentally electrocuted when installing cable TV lines in the township
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