水是生命的源泉,也是人体的重要组成部分。夏天炎热,驾驶员在烈日下开车容易出汗,尤其是在 30℃左右的高温下开车,有的甚至大汗淋漓。汗液的排出,不仅使人体内水分和盐类大量消耗,还容易使人患脱水症,造成血液浓缩,加重心脏和肾脏的负担。人体在缺水的情况下,容易出现心烦意乱、头脑昏沉和注意力分散,甚至手脚不听使唤,这对于驾驶员的安全行车是十分不利的。因此,驾驶员夏天开车一定要注意多喝水。
Water is the source of life, but also an important part of the human body. Summer is hot, the driver is easy to sweat in driving in the hot sun, especially driving at a high temperature of about 30 ℃, and some even sweating. Sweat discharge, not only the body of water and salt consumed in large quantities, but also easy to make people suffering from dehydration, resulting in blood concentration, increase the burden on the heart and kidneys. The body in the case of water shortage, prone to upset, dizzy mind and distracted, and even hands and feet do not listen to the call, which drivers driving safety is very unfavorable. Therefore, the driver must pay attention to drink plenty of water in summer driving.