华支睾吸虫病(Clonorchiasis Sinensis)是一种地方性流行病。自1974年以来,我们先后在徐州地区农村、徐州市郊及苏南等地进行了本病流行情况的调查。发现华支睾吸虫病我省以儿童为主,临床表现为无症状型,肝大、肝硬化型及发育障碍型等。由于儿童正处在不断生长发育的过程中,本病的重度感染及病程较久往往影响患儿生长发育,甚至形成侏儒。根据我院261例儿童华支睾吸虫病住院病例分析,其中109例(41.76%)以身材矮小、生长停滞为主诉。测量身高的221例患儿中经统计学分析,在正常范围内的仅70人(31.67%),低二个标准差者54人(24.43%),低三个标准差者97人(43.89%)。
Clonorchiasis sinensis is a endemic epidemic. Since 1974, we conducted surveys on the epidemic of this disease in the rural areas of Xuzhou, the suburbs of Xuzhou, and southern Jiangsu. Clonorchis sinensis found in children in our province, the clinical manifestations of asymptomatic, hepatomegaly, cirrhosis and developmental disorders and so on. As children are in the process of continuous growth and development, the severe infection of the disease and longer duration tend to affect the growth and development of children, and even form a dwarf. According to our hospital 261 cases of children with clonorchiasis hospitalized cases, 109 cases (41.76%) to short stature, the main growth arrest. Of the 221 children with height measurements, only 70 (31.67%) were in the normal range, 54 (24.43%) with the lowest two standard deviations, and 97 (43.89% ).