Petrochemical Industry Prosperity Index Report

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaojing45
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China’s petroleum and chemical industry inthe fourth quarter of 2009 has further comeout of the stagnation began in the third quarterof 2008 and has shown significant restorativegrowth,according to a new report jointlyreleased by the Research Center for the ChineseEconomic and Industrial ProsperityIndex,the Economic Daily and China EconomicMonitoring Center of the National China’s petroleum and chemical industry inthe fourth quarter of 2009 has further comeout of the stagnation began in the third quarterof 2008 and has shown significant restorative growth, according to a new report jointlyreleased by the Research Center for the ChineseEconomic and Industrial Prosperity Index, the Economic Daily and China EconomicMonitoring Center of the National
  Liquid crystal (LC) is a dynamic molecular system with anisotropic orders leading to anisotropic functional properties.The conventional LCs are categorized
  Dispersions of nanomaterials in liquid crystals (LCs) have attracted considerable attention from the perspectives of not only the physical properties of the
  The advantages of liquid crystal wavefront corrector (LCWFC),compared to conventional DM (deformable mirror) devices,are low cost,reliability,low power cons
在庭院种植葡萄,应根据庭院比较小的特点,采用圆柱形或篱棚架整修,才能充分利用庭院的空间。 1.圆柱形修剪 采用这种方法,可节约架材,并能充分利用零星空地,单株占地直径仅1
缺少维生素A皮肤粗糙干燥,呼吸道易感染,眼部有干燥感,畏光、多泪,视觉逐渐模糊。缺少维生素B_1 会引起消化不良,气色不佳,有时手脚发麻,患多发性神经炎和脚气病。缺少维生
  Cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) laser has a great application prospect in medical diagnostics,light-emitting diode,display etc.,because of the microscopic